Abide in Me Course
Small Groups - Four x 75 minute sessions
Abide in Me Course
Small Groups - Four x 75 minute sessions
Abide in Me
Session Leaflets 1 and 2
3 and 4 to follow
This course was designed by Anna Johnstone and was first used in 2017. It is being updated in time for Blessed Carlo Acutis' Canonisation on 27th April 2025 in Rome.
Sessions 3 and 4 will be available here in preview by Christmas 2024. Further materials will be added in time for the canonisation.
The format of the sessions can be seen at the end of this website.
Abide in Me Course is part of the mission of www.ukmiracles.com, which in turn is part of the mission of the envisaged Community of the Transfiguration of Blessed Carlo Acutis.
For further information and the PDF leaflets, please write to Admin@ukmiracles.com
Copyright 2019